What is the Average Humidity During Marathons in Orange County?

The Orange County Marathon is one of the most renowned marathons in California. It is part of the Beach Cities Challenge, which also includes the Long Beach and Surf City marathons. If you are planning to attend or run the marathon, you may be wondering what the average humidity is like in Orange County. The U.

S. Climate Division database provides data on the average humidity levels in California from 1895 to the present. The tables show the daily averages along with the highest and lowest relative humidity levels. The marathon starts at the Fashion Island Shopping Center in Newport Beach and ends at the Orange County Fairgrounds. The last mile of the half marathon passes through residential neighborhoods along Santa Ana Avenue and Mesa Drive, passing by the Santa Ana Country Club and its golf course as they reach the final stretch at the Orange County Fairgrounds. If you are attending or running the marathon, it is essential to be aware of the average humidity levels in Orange County.

Knowing this information can help you prepare for the race and make sure you are comfortable during your run. Humidity levels can have a significant impact on your performance during a marathon. High humidity can cause excessive sweating, which can lead to dehydration and fatigue. Low humidity can cause dry airways, making it difficult to breathe. It is important to know what to expect when running a marathon in Orange County. The average relative humidity in Orange County during a marathon is around 70%.

This means that it is not too humid or too dry, making it an ideal climate for running a marathon. The highest relative humidity levels usually occur during summer months, while the lowest levels occur during winter months. It is important to be aware of the average humidity levels in Orange County when planning for a marathon. Knowing this information can help you prepare for the race and make sure you are comfortable during your run. With proper preparation and knowledge of the climate, you can ensure that your marathon experience is a successful one.